Quite often people scan for WordPress installs by checking to see if a HTTP request can be made to /xmlrpc.php. Since I do not run WordPress at all it is low hanging fruit to block the source IP that makes a HTTP request for that to my web servers. The following IDP policy rule will block the attacker for a period of 1 hour and also close the connection to the web server.
Custom Attack
This is the actual attack definition. This should be loaded in the security idp
configuration tree:
custom-attack HTTP:WORDPRESS:REQUEST-XMLRPC { recommended-action none; severity minor; attack-type { signature { context http-url-parsed; pattern ".*/xmlrpc\.php"; direction client-to-server; shellcode no-shellcode; } } }
IDP Policy Rule
To use the above custom attack it will need to be added to your IDP policy. As an example, the IDP policy I use is called Default.Policy
, you can load the below configuration into the security idp idp-policy Default.Policy rulebase-ips
configuration tree.
rule WordPress-XMLRPC:Block { description "Block HTTP requests to /xmlrpc.php"; match { from-zone any; source-address any; to-zone any; destination-address any; application default; attacks { custom-attacks HTTP:WORDPRESS:REQUEST-XMLRPC; } } then { action { recommended; } ip-action { ip-block; target source-address; log; timeout 3600; } notification { log-attacks { alert; } } } }