Part of a standard server setup for me includes installing SNMPD for remote monitoring of hosts. A simple SNMPD configuration template can be found below. You will need to change these variables:
- COM_NAME: This should be the community name that your SNMP poller users when connecting to the host.
- PREFIX: This should be an allowed prefix that can connect to the SNMP daemon. This accepts IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or networks. If you need to allow multiple addresses and/or networks, you can add additional lines as needed. This configuration goes by default into
## source community ### This community is allowed to query locally com2sec local localhost COM_NAME ### This community is allowed to be polled remotely ### As an example to allow polling by the networks 10/8 and 172.16/12 using the community name 0sdgig03tt: ### com2sec mynetwork 0sdgig03tt ### com2sec mynetwork 0sdgig03tt com2sec mynetwork PREFIX COM_NAME # ## sec.model group MyRWGroup v2c local group MyROGroup v2c mynetwork # #group MyRWGroup any otherv3user #... # ## incl/excl subtree mask view all included .1 80 # #view mib2 included fc # ## context sec.model sec.level prefix read write notif access MyROGroup "" v2c noauth exact all none none access MyRWGroup "" v2c noauth exact all all all # syslocation My System Location syscontact Me <> # disk / 1000000 disk /tmp 50000 disk /home 5000000
After changing the configuration file restart the SNMPD service and you should then be able to poll the server.